Campus Outreach Augusta is committed to equipping students and staff with foundational articles, bible studies, and tools to develop your walk with God. Feel free to utilize these studies freely but we ask that you do not monetize them or utilize them for any other purpose other than to grow in your relationship with God or to help others grow. If you have questions about any of these resources please contact us through or email or by using the link in the footer.
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The means of grace are a balm to the soul of every believer who is faithfully seeking to glorify God through their vocation, whether they are called to raise children, lay bricks, program computer software, or study in preparation for a pastoral ministry.
During a random meeting with my disciple leader while I was in college, I was in tears. Something heavy was weighing on my heart.
God broke down my walls, convicted me of my sin, and laid my heart bare in front of me, all while covering me in the Gospel.
Yet, how often do Christians contemplate the old famous saying: “three things are eternal: God, his Word, and the souls of mends?”
In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:4-5
Adolescence refers to the stage in a child’s life right before they reach adulthood. Psychologists have recently used the term “extended adolescence” to describe the stage of life of most college students and recent college graduates.
Principles for living with Jesus
A study on knowing Jesus personally
A study on the person of Jesus
If you’re a living, breathing human being, at some point in your life you have said, “This is what heaven must be like” — or some variation of that statement.
An investigative study of Christianity
God was moving in my heart to allow me to see that I was lost and in need of a savior.
“ The more I understand and appreciate God’s sovereignty, calling, and the elements of election that God determined before the foundations of the world, the smaller my fears become when thinking about pursuing others with the universal call of the gospel.”